Hi, my name is Destiny!

I have over 30 years of experience as a psychic, giving spiritual guidance, insight and wisdom regarding life’s events.
Everyone is psychic, by the way, some call it Intuition, Gut Feeling, or, you just “know” something, and even dreams can access your psychic awareness. Not everyone enjoys those abilities, so they deny them.
While some of the most common things I look at are; Past Lives, Soul Healing/Retrieval, Reiki Healing, Spirit Communication from guides and departed loved ones, Relationship issues, including Agreements and Karmic Ties. Really, there is no area that cannot be looked at, however, I do not predict the future, as that puts one in future time while waiting for it to happen To You. But, I can look at a current situation and follow the thread of energy in progress, to tell how a situation will turn out.
I offer Sound Healing/Energy Balancing with Tuning Forks. Every cell, chakra and organ in our body vibrates at a particular frequency. With the Tuning Forks, I reset the resonance of each one so you can release energies that are not in affinity with you. Then, you can fill yourself back up, using your own life force energy.
Sometimes, all that is needed in a reading is giving you information about the dynamics or behind the scenes energies that are affecting you. Sometimes, it's merely about "reminding you" of insights you've lost track of, or simply validating that you are on your targeted path. You Do know how important Validation is, right?
A Healing is getting your energy back from any event in your life, this lifetime or a past lifetime. It’s about getting all the pieces of your “Puzzle” back, making you whole.
While it’s intriguing to have your future told, it only puts you in future time, waiting for IT to happen. YOU are the creator of your life; it does not happen to you. Therefore, I do not predict the future.
Are you feeling lost in this time of chaos? Do you have a sense of hopelessness? It is important to keep in mind that 75% of everything you feel is not yours. I can give you guidance and clarity for your next step, and teach you energetic tools to use every day, anytime, anywhere.
I have helped clients heal their past in order to heal their present. I can help you create your future-self by healing the energies that prohibit you from moving forward.
Here are a few examples of psychic awareness:
Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing. You see/read mental image pictures and colors from your 6th chakra (behind your eyes) and Higher Self.
Clairaudience – Hearing spirit/dead people, like your relatives...or not, or spirit guides.
Mediumship – You, your spirit, steps out of your body and another spirit/being/entity, comes in and speaks through you. You are not always aware of this by the way. For example, people whose personality changes when they drink, or do drugs.
Intuition – Yes, that’s psychic. You just have to listen to it since that’s what it’s there for.
Clairsentience – Experiencing other people's emotions. This can be troublesome - if you don’t know how to manage it. The 2nd chakra governs clairsentience. It is located in your abdominal area.
Psychometry – This is the ability to perceive information by touching or holding an object .
Every psychic has their own way of reading: Some use Tarot cards, playing cards, channeling, or, simply just tuning in . Each psychic reads from their own vantage point; that’s why readings can be different or similar; it all depends on their method. Also, one picture is worth a thousand words, so when a psychic reads a mental image picture in your space/aura, they are interpreting it their own way - interpretations can vary. I told a client the same thing four different ways until she understood what I was saying. That’s when I said, “that’s what I’ve been saying, four different ways.
The Key To Happiness? Is Between Our Ears...
Receive Communication, Validation, and Inspiration.
Find Your Happy Space, Get A Reading.

There is one Eternal Truth, but a gazillion ways to express it in this world. Truth is blazing white light, but it's expression through the prism of this world is a rainbow.

Phone/Text: 925-588-8798
In Person: Fairfield, Ca., Solano, Co.