Tuning Forks - Vibrational Sound Healing

Science: Resonance is a phenomenon that amplifies a vibration. It occurs when a vibration is transmitted to another object whose natural frequency is the same or very close to the source.
Every cell, organ and chakra, in your body has a specific resonance that I equate with a the musical note. With a striker, I tap the corresponding tuning fork and hold it in front of the area of the specific chakra. This promotes the clearing, or release, of energies that are not in harmony with your body. Head to toe, you have eight main chakras and I clear each one of these and relay the information of what you are releasing.
There are many forms of sound healing available, such as classical music, synthesized recordings meant to put your brain in an altered state, crystal and brass singing bowls.
My own personal favorite healing instrument is the Didgeridoo. I will take this opportunity to pass on information about a CD called Healing Vibes by a musician named Paradiso. This is a three dimensional sound recording to be listened to with headphones, and It is a Phenomenal tool to shift the energy in your space.

Trouble falling to sleep? The first four tracks will help clear your space so you can get a good night's sleep.
Tried and True.
Healing Is The Spoken Word. The point of getting communication is to help release or de-energize life's experiences that tend to stick with us and keep us from healing ourselves.

This is an amazing piece of Star Rose Quartz and it gets its name because when put in sunlight, a holographic five pointed star rises about four inches above the stone. It definitely has its own consciousness and I feel its energy in my heart center and in my crown.
Ground, close your eyes and sit with this stone and notice what part of your body comes to your awareness. Give yourself a deep breath and let go of any energies that are not serving you at this moment. Dare you say hello?
Meditation Toolkit: Learn all the energy tools you need for your next step in your spiritual growth. Sign up on my Contact page and I will send you a Free, two hour download of meditation tools to help you navigate your inner world.

This was an interesting "healing" I facilitated today at the San Francisco Crystal Fair with this 21 month old and her mother.
I was watching the mother interact with her daughter, or I should say, trying to interact with the child. Mom was sitting on the floor next to the child in her stroller. Her face was very close to the child while trying to get her daughters attention while she nursed on her bottle, but the child was paying no attention to her at all, but, as people walked by, the child's eyes would follow the movement, so I knew the child was aware.
I approached mom and after chatting with her for a bit, I mentioned about personal space/boundaries, and demonstrated how it feels when someone is standing so close, that you have to step back because it feels uncomfortable. I explained about being aware of our personal bubbles and how we can communicate from within our own bubble (aura). That way, the child has a little more space to be.
When I asked about the helmet, she said her daughter had issues with balance, so I asked if she had a difficult birth. She said yes , she needed a C section because the baby was 18 days late.
I saw how much of grandmas energy was in the child's space so I pulled out an energetic cord from the child's first chakra and moved the grandmother out of the child's space.
At this point the child is starting to squirm, so mom took her out of the stroller. The longer we talked, the more the child came back into her body, and this picture is the end result of our communication.
Circle Of Light Manifestation Bracelet : *** Currently on sale half price plus shipping ***.

Peridot $80 - Now $40.00 Tangerine $80 - Now $40

Blush Rose $80 - Now $40 Copper $80 - Now $40

Siam $80 - Now $40 7 Chakras $80 - Now $40

Purple Haze $80 - Now $40 Jonquil $80 - Now $40

Sunshine Metallic $40 - Now $40 Turquoise $80 - Now $40

Aquamarine $80 - Now $40 Violet $80 - Now $40

Magma $80 - Now $40 Scarab $80 - Now $0
Circle Of Light Manifestation Bracelet -
The intention of all my bracelets promote Abundance And Manifestation. Simple, Elegant, Powerful. Charged with Reiki energy and Sacred Geometry symbols in the frequency of Manifestation and Limitless Abundance.
Wearing these powerful bracelets amplifies your personal vibration by bringing your energy in sync with the Limitless Abundance and Manifestation that the Universe has to offer. All you have to do is Create The Space To Receive.
My EMF bracelets are made from semi-precious stones to protect us from the electromagnetic frequencies that are bombarding our bodies all the time. All of these semi-precious stones are gem quality, grade AAA.
Every stone has it own vibration and each stone and bracelet work with your energy in a different way. In fact, two identical stones or crystals can have a totally different resonance when it works with you.

Healing Comes From Unexpected Sources:
When I was working retail, I would always ask customers how their day was going. One gentleman in particular, said "fine", but in a way that didn't sound very convincing. Looking at him, I said, "ya know, sometimes we get in a space where we forget to be thankful for what we do have. Just like the beautiful mountains around us and the abundance we have, but forget to notice.
A moment later he thanked me for reminding him to remember Gratitude, "it totally changed my perspective" he said.

Again, I am working retail when I see an elderly black woman standing alone in the isle, she's all dressed in her Sunday best, complete with a dainty hat and patent leather shoes. I walked over and complimented her on how beautiful she looked while I straightened the lapels of her coat to make them perfect, and chatted with her for a minute.
Ten minutes later she comes back to my register and said, "Are you the greeter here or do you just make people feel good?" I do both, I said.

A Little Kindness Goes A Long Way.

Here is an email I received from a young man I gave a reading to at a crystal fair some time ago.
Hi Destiny!
Here's my belated review to thank you:
In the beginning of my first session, I told Destiny nothing about myself. During my session, Destiny told me about a family member’s unwelcome energy in one of my chakras. It was only in the middle of that night that I realized why I had disturbing dreams weeks ago about that person related to what she mentioned. Her sense of humor and tuning forks really helped offset the extremely disturbing nature of what she shared. And her insight helped me to never go back to that person that I tried for decades to get away from. After my session with her, I suddenly stopped thinking about two people that she brought up. I didn’t tell her that they lived rent-free in my head for years.
I especially appreciated the extra time she took to tell me how to use non-weighted Biosonic tuning forks and the complimentary two-hour online toolkit she emailed me.

Elestial Smokey Quartz Crystal