Sometimes, You Are The Messenger, Sometimes, The Message Is For You.
Red-tailed Hawk is always a messenger.

Last week I felt compelled to drive to a city about 25 miles away, not once, but three times. Each time something kept urging me, but the only reason I go there is to shop at a specific clothing store. On the 3rd visit, I found a sweater I liked, so I thought maybe that was the reason I for my trip. Yes, spirit does stuff like that, it’s called Synchronicity.
As I’m waiting at the register, the woman in front of me is wearing a sequin top and sequin skirt. I said “Wow, you certainly are bright and shiny and pretended to shield my eyes from the brightness”. The woman gives me a stone cold look and says, “Well that’s what I like”, and left. Dang, no sense of humor for her.
The young man behind the register says “She’s from LA, they dress like that”, and I just moved here from LA. Really, I said, what brought you here? He replied, “My boyfriend was visiting LA when we met, and now I’m living with him. I am so lucky; he gives me everything I want”. Wow, that’s great I said, it looks like he’s a little controlling. OMG! You are exactly right. I said, you are a healer, and very sensitive to energy, you want everyone to feel good, but you end up giving all your energy away, you’ve been like that all your life. You are so right on, he said, how did you know that?” After telling him I did psychic readings, I asked what he was doing with his time here, besides working in a clothing store. He said we wanted to become an aesthetician so he was going to school. Great, I said, I’m sure you will do well.
We said our goodbyes and I left, going to a coffee shop on the corner. As I sat there I started psychically looking at the path this young man was embarking upon. I saw he didn’t have a lot of confidence in himself and he tended to overanalyze everything. When I looked at his relationship, I saw his partner tended to be a little aggressive with him. Hum, that’s too bad.
I pondered for a minute if I shouldn’t go back and give him a little more communication, or maybe mind my own business, not my problem, but no, I was prompted to go back.
I approached him and told him not to overanalyze what he is learning in school. Use your intuition because I see that you have a great ability and analyzing things will hamper your creativity. Being only 21, he didn’t exactly know what I meant, but I think he will get it as time goes on. Then I said, and if your boyfriend starts getting aggressive with you, leave. At that point he look shocked, put his head down and said, Thank You.
So that was it, the feeling that I need to go back to this store again anytime soon is gone. As you can see, through me, the messenger, Spirit accomplished the task. Glory Be.
I stopped by his store two weeks later and he came running over expressing much gratitude for the information I had given him. He said he has felt lighter ever since our conversation and he feels that his creativity has become unblocked. He spoke about how much his awareness has increased in regards to himself, his surroundings and his self esteem. He also broke up with the boyfriend who was getting aggressive with him and is learning to set boundaries.
It was readily apparent why Spirit wanted me to connect with this young man because he heard every word I said to him and he "got it". Glory Be.

I had just met a gentleman, we texted a couple times and spoke on the phone, then he said we should get together for lunch. I said great, how about tomorrow, Sunday? No, I'm busy he said, but maybe the next day. Great! In the meantime, a client called me for an in person appointment on Sunday, so my plans were made.
First thing Sunday morning this gentleman calls and said "I changed my plans, let's do lunch today at 1:00 o'clock". I said, wow, I'm sorry but now I have an appointment to be at in a few hours after that, but you're welcome to come with me. He abruptly said no, which made me wonder why, but I said, okay, we can meet for a couple hours, but then I have to leave. He said, great, "Meet me by the Ferris Wheel"..?? What kind of restaurant is that, I wondered.
The whole time I was driving to meet this guy, I had a bad feeling about it. I get to the destination and it's a huge fair with tons of people and no parking. Knowing that we would never find a restaurant, eat and be done in under two hours, I would obviously be late for my appointment. I texted him and said there was absolutely no way this was going to go as planned, and we needed to reschedule and I left. I am now feeling much better.
While driving to my appointment, I saw this cloud formation...To me, it looks like an alligator, which told me that Spirit was telling me this guy would chew me up and not spit me out. And the message Spirit provided was; Be true to yourself and stay on your path. And that's what I did.

When I lived in Phoenix, I would drive to Sedona once a month, hang out, visit crystal shops, and enjoy the scenery. The Red-tailed Hawk, in Indian folklore, represents a Messenger and oftentimes, when I’ve seen two Red-tailed hawks in a day, someone will call me with news of some sort.
This particular day, as I am driving to Sedona, I see a total of five Red-tailed hawks within three miles of each other. Wow, must be some message coming I thought. On my drive home, I intended to stop at a gas station prior to Phoenix but I missed the turnoff so I had to take a different street which put me in a shopping center parking lot.
It’s now 5:00 pm and starting to get dark, and as I’m looking around, I see two young men, one about 14 and the other 10 or 11, and a young girl around 14. She is not looking very happy and looks like she is trying to get away from them but the oldest boy is holding onto the sleeve of her jacket and the younger one is in front of her and appears to be taunting her.
This does not look very good, it’s getting late, and I’m concerned for the girl, so I called the police. They arrived within minutes and began talking to the kids, and at that point, I knew I’d done my job, so I left.
This time, I was the Messenger.

Pay Attention To The Promptings
I am running errands and as I drive by Popeye's, I think, humm, Red Beans and Rice sounds good, but I just ate like two hours ago. Perhaps just a small size, they are so tasty, and I turn into the drive thru lane. In the bushes just ahead I see something and looking closer, it's a small motorcycle lying on it's side. Looks fishy to me, so I asked the kids at the take out window if anyone is riding a motorcycle today. They all say no, so maybe it's stolen, I thought, and reported it to the police.
Next day, the motorcycle was gone.
Hermes or Mercury, whichever you prefer.

Jupiter! His mom was a feral cat in Santa Cruz, Ca. and he was born in my house. At eight weeks, I am deciding how to find homes for all the kittens, so while I'm sitting on the couch meditating, I hear this voice in my head, "You're not giving me away!". I open my eyes and there is this kitten and I knew it was him speaking, then I closed my eyes to go back into meditation. In my vision, I see the planet Jupiter, the Red Planet, and I think, that must be your name, Jupiter.
Jupiter stayed with me for eight years and while I was living in Phoenix, Az., I started dating a gentleman we'll call Bob, who seemed nice enough, a little loud, but, oh well. Jupiter didn't care for Bob that much because he was so loud, but he'll get used to him, maybe.
On a Wednesday, Bob asked if I wanted to go to Las Vegas for the weekend and I thought, okay, that might be fun. The next day Jupiter started acting a little off and I wasn't sure how well he was feeling. Then Bob came over and I couldn't figure out if Jupiter was getting sick or not because he was hiding. When Bob leaves, I said "Don't come over tomorrow because I need to see if Jupiter is really sick or not and he won't act normal around you.
The next day, Bob is waiting in front of my house when I get home from work. Really? He said I just wanted to see you. Wrong, go on home. By now, the end of Jupiter's nose is bright red, so the next day I take him to the Vet. Upon examination, the vet says, Jupiter has a viral infection, I haven't seen this in 10 years. OMG...Jupiter is an indoor cat! How could that happen? I knew this was a sign that Bob is not the person for me and when I told him I didn't want to see him anymore, he said, "The reason I wanted to be with you is because I'm dying, and I don't want to be alone". Wow, I am sorry Bob, but good bye.

Pancho Villa

Geronimo - A Past Life Remembrance.
One day, while living in Mt. Shasta, I decided to have a massage from a man who was part American Indian, that did house calls. While waiting for him to arrive, I sat on the sofa to meditate when the American Indian Geronimo came into my vision. Interesting, I thought, Matthew must be arriving soon. Immediately, there was a knock on the door and sure enough, it was Matthew. I asked him if he worked with Geronimo, to which he said, I used to, but not so much any more, and I said, well, he's here too.
As soon as I was on the massage table, Geronimo appears. He is motioning to his lips, then to his heart and then towards me. He is telling me that he holds great love for me. Then the scene changes and I see two children running and playing around teepees. The scene changes again, and I see a young Indian woman dressed in a White Calf Skin Dress, she is facing the sun with her arms outstretched, then back to the children playing, then back to the young woman worshiping the sun. Now I am wondering if that is me.
Suddenly, I see an Indian on horseback with warpaint and a rifle and all of a sudden, I feel like I have been shot in the heart, and I am wondering why he killed me. I must have jumped, because Matthew says, are you okay? I replied, yes, but I've just been shot, and that was the end of the vision.
Now, I am curious as to what this was all about, so I did some research into Geronimo. I found that in the late 1800's, he had gone on a hunting expedition, leaving his first wife Alope, their two children and their tribe, unprotected. Mexican soldiers came in, killing everyone.
A month or so later, I am in Ashland, Oregon, browsing in an American Indian artifacts store. I found a trove of pictures featuring various old west indians and soldiers when I came upon a picture of a Mexican soldier. Instantly I thought, "There's the SOB that killed me." I turned the picture over and it was Pancho Villa.
**At a recent fair, a woman walked up to me and said, "Ever since I past your booth, I can't stop thinking about you, I feel like I know you". I said, most likely you do from a past life, perhaps. As she sat down for a reading, all of a sudden Geronimo appears on a rearing horse, just like before. I see that this woman and I were in the same Cherokee tribe in my lifetime with Geronimo. Spirit Never Forgets.

This happened not too long after I decided to look at signs from spirit metaphorically; I am leaving the shopping center and I am lamenting about some sort of problem. As I approach my car, I notice several pennies on the ground, I look further and there are like, thirty pennies. I think to myself, what could this mean? A penny for your thoughts? No, spirit knows what I'm thinking. Aahh! Pennies from heaven. Spirit is letting me know that everything is going to be fine.
Ever since that day, thirty years ago, every time I am concerned about something, I will find a penny. Spirit Is Never Wrong!

Again, I am leaving a store and lamenting about some problem I have. As I leave the store, there is a woman in a wheelchair sitting just outside the door, she is dressed in a beautiful blue dress, her makeup and hair are done perfectly and she is missing one leg at the knee.
She says to me, in her Southern accent, "Hi my name is Betty Lou, I have Lupus, and I was wondering if you could spare a dollar"? A Dollar, I thought??? I graciously gave her five dollars and she said, "Are you sure, that's a lot of money". No, I said, that's just fine. And I thought to myself, I have no problems.
Obviously, Life Is About Perspective.
Phone/Text: 925-588-8798
In Person: Fairfield, Ca./Solano, Ca.