Note: All of these readings were given at Psychic and Crystal fairs within a 15 minute time frame and are a synopsis of an original reading.
What To Ask When You Request A Reading:
I would say that the majority of people have a question or some idea about the direction for the information they are seeking. Others sit down and say, “Just tell me what you see.” This is like opening a 1000 page book, and start reading, anywhere from birth to present time. Sometimes, the person is secretly hoping I will give them information about something in particular, but they want to see if you are really psychic. Please don’t waste time with that game. Yes, I am psychic, so put your time and money to good use.
My client is a woman around 40 yrs. old and is asking about a man she is convinced is her Soulmate/Twin Flame. She lives in Northern California and he in Southern California and they get together every month or so. This has been going on for a couple years and she wants to take the relationship to the next level but can’t get him to commit, and adds that he has been married four times
When I look at the man’s energy, I see that he is not being truthful with her about his feelings and has no intention of taking the relationship to the next step.
I then I look at their last couple of past lives together and I see where he has dumped her both times. Not taking no for an answer, she has been chasing after him ever since, each time they meet again, she says, I’m back.
So, No, he is not your Soulmate, you need to let him go. I then helped her break the karmic agreements so she could get her energy back and have a healing.
A client recently came in at a fair and asked for information about his career. Period. He should have asked a specific question like: I'm being transferred between San Francisco and Seattle numerous times for work, will this position work out in my favor?
Therefore, I looked at the big picture of his career within the technology industry. I told him that in his current job, he was at a glass ceiling of sorts, he was bored, and it would benefit him to find another company that afforded him the space for the creativity he needed to thrive. I saw how much knowledge and wisdom he had as a spirit in this particular field, but there was no “permission” spiritually, for him to access it and in fact, it was downright not going to happen in the current energy vibration he was working in. He actually jumped up and left half way through the reading, saying, too much information.
Was he happy with the reading? Obviously not, because I didn’t answer his real question, and, I actually gave him more information than he was ready to hear. Overload. You have to ask the right question to get the right answer.
Was I happy with the reading? You bet, the level of information I accessed gave me some great insight about the energies we encounter every day when we feel like we’re banging our heads against the proverbial wall, trying to get something accomplished and how we get “blocked” on a level that we are not aware of.
This is the true purpose of getting a reading, or, Spiritual Communication. It lends insight to help you get a better idea what’s going on, or, validates what you already suspect is going on.
Next, you can learn the tools to help you increase your own awareness and learn to heal these energies yourself. Sign up on the Contact form and I will send you a two hour download called: Meditation Toolkit, it's Free.
This client has owned his Pharmaceutical business for over 30 years and is contemplating selling it and asks if he will be successful. Looking at the energy of the business, I do not see much of his energy involved in the running of the business and he confirms that his wife is in charge of the books and hiring. First I remind him that he needs to bring his ownership of the business, and, his intention to sell it, into present time. This will make the business space an equal energetic partnership again.
I suggest that he could post an ad at the local college offering a graduate in that field a job with hands of training. Then they could take over the business in the future which now creates space for synchronicity and Divine Timing. My client confirmed that that course of action is commonly used when selling a pharmaceutical business.

This client is asking about her nephew who committed suicide. As I tune into the nephew’s energy, I see that in his last three past lives that has he killed himself. As a spirit, he is stuck in some mental image pictures that he’s worthless and is to blame for a myriad of sins from those past lives and suicide has been the only way out.
I gave a spiritual hello to the nephew and assisted in giving him a spiritual healing. I asked his own guides to assist in guiding him on the path to his next step for his own healing. Getting a spiritual hello helps "wake the soul up" so to speak and that is the value of spirit to spirit communication.
As I finished up my communication at the end of the reading, I saw a picture of the Statue of Liberty. When I mentioned it to the client, she said “He lived in New York”. What a validation for her that her nephew acknowledges his healing and gives his Aunt a beautiful Hello.

The young woman, age 27, sits down and asks about the anxiety she feels all the time and can barely leave the house except to go to work. I tell her about how sensitive she is to energy and the advantage of being grounded and in her body. I explain that the majority of the energy she feels is not hers, but the energies from the people around her. I asked her what happened around the age of 8 or 9 that might stand out and she said she couldn’t remember anything around that time in her life.
The energy I saw around her felt like a male relative who had less than appropriate actions towards her. Her mother had tried to comfort her by putting her energy over her daughters experience in order to protect her. However, the feelings and the body memory were still there which translated into anxiety.
I helped her break the spiritual agreements within the family and release her relatives energy back to him, thereby allowing her to get her energy back and heal herself from that event.
It's very important to have the tools to help release unwanted or foreign energy from our space. You can learn to do this through meditation and simple meditation tools. Sign up on the Contact page and I will send you a free two hour meditation toolkit download.

The gentleman sitting in front of me is an attorney and is asking about the anxiety he feels most of the time. As I tune into him, I ask how his relationship with his father was and he admitted that he grew up being afraid of his father. I tell him that there was a being in his father’s space and he was afraid of the being, not his father. I tell him he was actually aware of this being when he was born and again around 4 years old. At first, he was not afraid of this being because it seemed “friendly enough” but then, around the age of 14 (puberty) it came in full force through his father. Now tears are streaming down his face as he is releasing the emotion and trauma he suffered dealing with this entity.
I begin the healing work by helping him break the spiritual agreements with his father, and the entity as well. I work on past lives he has had with this being and I have him call back his energy and seniority from this being and remind him that this was all by agreement prior to being born.
*We are never victims in scenarios like this, we are here to heal and get our energy and seniority back from past events or past lives. The next step of course, is forgiveness, not only for others, but for us for putting ourselves through the pain. It's called Spiritual Growth.

My client says: As I was looking through some travel brochures, I thought it might be fun to go to France, do you see me going there?
I told her, first off, that I am not a Fortune Teller and I do not predict the future. However, I can look at your energy in present time and tell you what you are, or are not, creating. Since this a spur of the moment idea, your intention to manifest is in future time, therefore, you have not started manifesting this trip.
When we want to create something, you first set your intention, this gives the Universe a signal to start aligning things for synchronicity to happen. Then, if you decide you really would like to visit France, you will continue putting your energy into manifesting it. I also see that you have a tendency to talk yourself out of things, like trips you've planned, so there is a potential to sabotage yourself.
You're absolutely correct, she said.

My next client is getting ready to go to court and wants to know how it will turn out. It is actually very messy energetically, which includes a scam artist, an ex-girlfriend/partner, but still works for him, and a subcontractor who is suing him and with whom he has past life Karma with.
The first thing that came up was his mother was overprotective while he was growing up, therefore, he relies on her for everything. Now he is attracted to women who are smart, but relies on them to take care of things for him, which has caused him not to take ownership of what he creates or, to stand up for himself.
A scammer hacks the subcontractors email and sent directions to my client to deposit their money into a different account. He doesn't question this and 2 months pass before the scam is discovered. But now he owes the subcontractor a fairly large sum of money.
I start doing healing work on the Karma my client has with the subcontractor, breaking spiritual agreements, having my client take ownership of his energy back, then healing the situation with his ex, who, at this point is blaming him for everything. Of course, I work on the agreements he had with his mother as well. Now, my client is at the point of bankruptcy, but yet he still hangs on.
Tomorrow is court and he can't afford an attorney so he is going to blow if off, not appear, and let the judge decide how much he has to pay the subcontractor.
I suggested he go to court, without an attorney, stand up for himself and explain his situation to the judge and ask the court for mercy. Again, here is his non-ownership of what he has created.
Will he change? Good question. First step, take responsibility for your actions. Owning it is the first step to self healing.

A twenty nine year old woman sits down, does not have a particular question, so I honed in on her spiritual path this lifetime. The first thing I was prompted to ask was, have you been taking any kind of drugs , or had surgery, leaving anesthesia in your system? She said, recently? I said no, in general. She said "I was addicted to heroine for ten years and then I became an alcoholic for a number of years. I thought it would be easier to kick alcohol, but I was wrong, and now, three years later, I am sober."
Next, I look down her family line and asked if her mother was an alcoholic to which she replied yes. I saw the spiritual agreement she had with her mother to "join the club" of addiction before she incarnated, so I helped her break that spiritual agreement with her mother, and get her energy back.
Next we look at what she wants to do on her career path and it's apparent that she could use her knowledge about addiction to help others. After ruling out social work or working with adult addicts, it seemed more in harmony with her to work with young adults who are going through addiction.
This was an amazing and powerful reading.

Now, this was a really "interesting" reading: I'm reading at a Psychic Fair and at the end of the day a mother and daughter approach me asking for a reading for the daughter, but wanted to know if I would take $15 less than what my fee was. Why not I thought, but at that moment, I "knew" they weren't going to pay, but I went forward anyway. The daughter asked what her future was and I told her that I didn't predict future events because the future isn't here yet. Since she didn't have a question, I gave her a present time reading about her schooling and the direction she was going. At the end of the reading, both the mother and daughter claim that I didn't tell them anything that they didn't already know, therefore, they weren't paying. I said, Humm, I just validated everything your doing and that you're on the right path, but thanks for stopping by.
As it turns out, I understand they were shoplifting crystals from other vendors, and all I was out was ten minutes of my
The law of Karma: What Goes Around, Comes Around

I have given readings to this woman on several occasions regarding her work space. She has been trying to get a promotion for quite some time, but each time she is passed over and from previous readings, I see that her immediate supervisor, a male, stands in the way of that opportunity. As I look at the energy dynamics, I see the male supervisor has issues with women in general and has the mindset of control over the women he is in charge of. To his way of thinking, my client will never get a promotion from him.
Now, a new female senior supervisor has been hired, with whom my client resonates with and a new possibility has surfaced for a promotion. This new alliance feels very good and I think this woman will benefit my client so she can receive the promotion she deserves.
To help clear the energy, I guide my client through a process called, Breaking Spiritual Agreements. I have her visualize the agreement with her male supervisor and bring it into present time, then, psychically break the agreement.
Immediately she starts releasing energy from her energetic body and physical body, thereby releasing and sending all the mans energy back to him. She immediately says she feels much lighter. Then I help her create a new energetic workspace environment in present time, where she can be in good communication with the new female supervisor.

I am giving a reading to a fellow vendor at an event, he writes books about the Akashic Records. The Akashic records, if you don't know, is where a record of everyone's life experience for every lifetime they have ever lived, is kept. This information, if you choose, can be accessed upon "request".
He proceeds to tell me that he is going through an investigation because while he was in a public swimming pool dressing room, a minor child accused him of exposing himself - in a public dressing room. He is terrified of the potential consequences and wants some information on it.
As amazing at is may seem, I see him go into his Akashic Records and choose that Karma to experience and heal from. The outcome is not shown yet, because it hasn't happened yet.
**The message for everyone here, is that Nothing ever happens to us. We are not victims unless we choose to be. Life happens because that's what we came here to do, to learn from it and to heal from it. Past or Present. We Choose All Of Our Life Experience Prior To Your Incarnation.
Past Lives
Past lives can play a huge part in this current incarnation, whether it’s in regards to an injury or sickness that you’re trying to heal, or a Karmic lesson you are working through with someone.
You can heal a past life injury or sickness, by calling your energy back from it, thereby creating the space to heal yourself in present time.

Always Have A Passionate Heart

A couple sits down with me and the woman explains that her son is going to marry a woman whom she intensely dislikes, and she is asking me how she can stop her son from marrying this woman.
As I look at the fiancee's energy, I see that she has been judged her whole life because she came from a poor upbringing. I also see the Karmic agreement these two women have, so I tell the mother that if she allows herself to make friends with this young woman, she will have the best friend she has ever had.
At that point the husband nudges his wife and said, "See, what did I tell you?"

Two sisters purchased a reading for their mother and as the woman sat down, she is stone face sober, not a smile, nothing. Humm, this should be interesting.
I asked if she had a question, to which she said no, so I asked what kind of work she did and she replied, a Hospice Chaplin.
I told her about the work she did spirit to spirit, helping people cross over and all the miracles she has performed while guiding people through transition, and by this time, I am in awe with the work this woman does on a daily basis and I told her so. But of course, no smile, no nothing. Humm.
I finally asked if her mother was still alive and she said, "Your not supposed to ask questions". Okay then, looks like were done. The woman got up and left without saying a word.
I would say she's been watching too many TV Psychics, but..it was a great reading, if I do say so myself.

The last reading of the day; A man, in his 50’s, sits down and says that he experiences depression that is resistant to medication.
As I look at the different traumatic experiences he has had throughout his life, he says he can’t recall any of them. Cannot recall anything from 4 yrs. old, 17 yrs. old, 25 yrs. old? Humm, I see.
And then I see it. Not only is he in resistance to being treated, he is in competition with the doctors trying to treat him. “You Can’t Make Me!” So, it’s not that his depression is not treatable, he doesn’t WANT to be treated. Hence…I’ll do it myself… If I want to.
His reaction? No comment.

The Doorway Is Always There, You Only Have To Open It.

This gentleman is asking about a woman that he has been communicating with online for sometime. He has not met her, nor has he spoken to her on the phone because she tells him that her husband, whom she is divorcing, has tied up all her money and she cannot afford to buy a phone. She sends him pictures and videos of herself that appear to be professionally made, so he is asking what I see about this "relationship".
When I look at her energy, or the absence of it, she does not appear to be who she says she is. I tell him that he request a selfie holding something with today's date on it, otherwise, you're being Catfished, and above all, don't give her any money.

This client sits down and relays a story that is similar to the above reading. She has met a guy online, a pilot, they texted for a couple months, he has sent her pictures of himself (very handsome) and then it was time to meet. The night before their meeting, he texted her and said he had to fly to Dubai and would probably be gone for a month or so. In the meantime, he is sending her pictures of himself and his gorgeous male pilot friends, AND, now, he is telling her that he loves her. (You don't have to be psychic to see where this is going.) Finally, he says he is flying home the next day and that night, he and his buddies are going out partying.
Three days pass and she hasn't heard from him and then she gets a text from a hospital in Spain saying that this man was in a terrible car accident and is in their care. Now the hospital is demanding that she pay his hospital bill of ten thousand dollars or they will stop treating him (they include a picture of him in a hospital bed, unconscious.) This goes on for a few weeks, with them demanding payment and even send her an authorization for payment on her credit card.
After that fails, he is now out of the hospital and is claiming that he had nothing to do with the hospital harassing her, and will be flying back to San Francisco soon.
**All this time, I am reading the energy of this scam and how elaborate this scheme is and know that this man is a fraud. I am looking at how he tried to program her by telling her that he loved her so he could control her, affairs of the heart, pretty powerful stuff, indeed.
How interesting, that as I was communicating this to her, she still didn't want to believe it and holding out that he really loved her. Fortunately, she didn't send him any money, BUT, she still had feelings for this guy. And this is where we ended the reading, you can give people psychic impressions and logical information, but if they aren't ready to hear it, it's not your problem to solve.
*** Follow-up: I hear from my client again and she tells me that when he arrived in San Francisco, he said he was in the hospital again. She told him that she was coming to San Francisco to visit him and he gave her the address. The morning she was getting ready to visit him, he sent her a text saying that he was being transferred to a hospital in Los Angeles, that morning. Imagine that? Then she checked the address he had given her in San Francisco, it was wrong. She finally got it.
This whole scenario went on for four or five months, which shows you how determined these scammers are, and fortunately, she never gave him any money.

After the gentleman is seated, he asks about a woman that he works with, and wants to know if that relationship would go anywhere even though he is married. I tell him that she is very controlling and she would actually covet him, should he choose to pursue her and that he has had past lives with this woman, reliving the same scenario, lifetime and life- time again Yes, he confirmed that he had that impression.
Next I look at his wife and see that she is stuck in victimhood and perhaps she would benefit from therapy, but he states that she has already tried it, but to no avail, (we all have choices if we choose to heal or not).
I did some energy healing on the karmic agreement with the woman he works with, which should help ground that relationship space. This way, it should make things a little less intense should he decide to go forward.
Good Luck To You Sir.

A young African American woman, 28 yrs. old, sits down, only because I started a conversation while she was passing my booth. This was her first time at a psychic fair, so I was chatting with her about what her interests were, what she was doing with her life and such. She said she was just graduating from college with a degree in Sociology and that she had been working with at risk youth. She, herself had been homeless, into drugs, so she could relate to the teens.
We were discussing her career options when all of a sudden a female spirit appeared behind her, and this being looked a lot like her but a little older. I asked the young woman if her family was from Louisiana because this being had sort of that Cajun feeling to it, to which she said, no, because she was given to child services at an early age, so she didn't know much about her family history. Then I got the impression that this being had ties to something like Voodoo, but not in a negative way, when suddenly the being said; "I raise the dead". I was taken aback a little about raising the dead part and then I realized that she ment "I wake people up spiritually".
What an amazing being.

A woman comes to my booth as tells me that she passed my booth once but now I keep coming to mind, so she needs to find out why. I tell her that most likely we've have a past life together, so she sits down for a reading.
As I start to read her, an American Indian in full headdress, appears on a rearing horse, and I recognize it to be Geronimo, because that's how he has appeared to me before. I feel that we both belonged to the same Apache tribe when Geronimo was alive. Simple as that.
So it goes to show, that Spirit never forgets and like Edgar Casey said; We travel in Soul Groups, whether it's three thousand or a hundred thousand, we continue to reincarnate within our Soul Group and your Soul Mate, is within that Soul Group.

This is an email I received from a gentleman I gave a reading to at a Crystal Fair not too long ago:
Hi Destiny!
Here's my belated review to thank you:
In the beginning of my first session, I told Destiny nothing about myself. During my session, Destiny told me about a family member’s unwelcome energy in one of my chakras. It was only in the middle of that night that I realized why I had disturbing dreams weeks ago about that person related to what she mentioned. Her sense of humor and tuning forks really helped offset the extremely disturbing nature of what she shared. And her insight helped me to never go back to that person that I tried for decades to get away from. After my session with her, I suddenly stopped thinking about two people that she brought up. I didn’t tell her that they lived rent-free in my head for years.
I especially appreciated the extra time she took to tell me how to use non-weighted Biosonic tuning forks and the complimentary two-hour online toolkit she emailed me.