I took this picture in Egypt in the 90's. Notice the woman standing in the middle of this energy, you can barely see her feet. She has a bottle of Evian water, she says, I Am Going To Christen Myself as she pours the water over her head. This is Christ Force Energy that comes down and envelops her. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. PERIOD!!!

This is an actual photograph of St. Germain - Ascended Master whom I work with and is a spiritual teacher Spirit/Being to me. One day, when I was living in Mt. Shasta, I became aware of his presence, helping me in healings. Then, not too long after, I read a book by a man named Peter Mt. Shasta...yes, he's from Mt. Shasta. He wrote about all of his experiences with St. Germain, how St. Germain talked to him, appeared to him, for over 30 years. Upon finishing the book, I said; "What's up with that St. Germain, you've never appeared to me, what am I, chopped liver?
One week later, a friend of mine who is an avid spirit photographer, sends me this photograph and says, what do you think this is? Holy S...it's St. Germain...Again, ask and you shall receive.
THEN, I asked my friend to take me to the spot where she took this picture - Land of Medicine Buddha in the Santa Cruz mountains, and I asked St. Germain to appear in a picture with me. This next picture is where he granted my wish. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE.

THE ART Of MANIFESTING: Ask And It Is So...Believe, And It Is So.
Working with energy/intention, is instantaneous on many different levels. Think it, and it is so. Obviously, it’s not going to instantly appear out of thin air, because you have to give the Universe, and yourself, time and space to manifest it. So, it could be a day, week, month...or more. Either way, it’s all about Divine Timing.
First, you have to create the space to receive what it is that you are asking for, Be Specific; If you had a room full of furniture and wanted a new sofa, you would have to Create The Space to put the new piece of furniture.
Thoughts are the same thing, because they are real on an energetic level, so you want to let go of the ideas or thoughts that are merely taking up space in your psyche.
Next, being Grounded and in present time, is essential to manifesting. You cannot create from Past Time or Future Time, you have to BE here Now, In Present Time, that's how Spirit works. Spirit, by the way, is You.
Setting Your Intention: Be specific in what you are asking for. Be aware that your Mind may argue with you, saying things like; That'll never happen, It costs too much, You want too much, You don't deserve it...You know, the usual. Ignore all that, do not over analyze what you are asking for. Analyzing, is the enemy. Imagine It, And It Is So. Believe It, And It Is So.
On a daily basis or so, ground, send out your intention and create the space to receive. This way you are strengthening your desire, and don't hesitate to ask The Universe, Your Spirit Guides, Angels or God, for assistance. It all works.
Pay attention to signs the Universe may give you, metaphors, if you will, even your dreams.
When I first started looking at messages as metaphors; I'm walking out to my car going "woe is me" for whatever reason. When I get
out to my car, I see like, 5 pennies on the ground. I looked around and there were like 30 pennies on the ground. I thought, what
are they trying to tell me? A Penny For Your Thoughts? No, they know what I'm thinking. AH! Pennies From Heaven! They are letting
me know that everything is going to be ok. From that day forward, every time I am worried about something, I find pennies. Always.
Don't forget Gratitude, gratitude for everything you have right now. A place to live, friends, all the small things. Gratitude amidst the chaos.
Ask your guides, angels and masters for assistance and ask them to "say hello" to the guides, angels and masters of all the people that can or might be able to help you. CREATE SPACE TO RECEIVE BLESSINGS.