The Violet Flame or Ascended Master, St. Germain. This photograph was taken at The Land Of Medicine Buddha in the Santa Cruz mountains in California by an avid Sprit Photographer, Jan Rekoutis. The backstory on this photograph; I finished reading a book by an author named Peter Mt. Shasta, where he detailed all of his experiences with St. Germain over the past 30 years. He stated that St. Germain had appeared to him many times over the years and spoke with him regularly. Since I had "worked" with St. Germain "a little bit" in my work and upon finishing the book, I said "What's up with that St. Germain, you've never appeared to me. What am I, Chopped Liver? A week later my friend Jan, sent me this picture and said, "What do you think this is?". OMG, it's You, St. Germain I exclaimed. I asked for you to appear and you did.
Ask and you shall receive.
All Photos are copyrighted.

After receiving the above photograph, I asked Jan to take me to the location where she took the picture and I asked St. Germain if he would kindly appear in a picture with me. This was not visible to the naked eye, but here He is. Again, Ask And You Shall Receive.

I had moved to Mt. Shasta in 2004 and was working in a crystal shop. I was just beginning to be aware of St. Germain so I decided to ask for his presence. Not knowing what I would get, I set the auto timer on the camera. Ask And You Shall Receive.

Again, at The Land Of Medicine Buddha.

I took this photograph while touring Egypt in 1990. We were in a temple in Luxor, a lady in our group had a bottle of Evian water and said I am going to Christen myself and poured the water over her head, stating "I Christen Myself".
When You Call In The Light, It Comes.

While I did not take this photograph, it shows the essence of St. Germain over Mt. Shasta, Ca. As with all of these photos, close your eyes and feel/sense the energy. Believe what you are feeling.

Notice the green energy sweeping through the lower portion of the ball on this fountain. I took this picture at a Nursery in Sonoma, Ca., on Easter Sunday, 2023.
This green energy feels like a feminine nature being who is drawn to water.

Energy like this rainbow, is rarely seen with the naked eye. I feel this to be a guide/angel or being that was helping her gather her energy for her coming transition, although I don't know how long after this picture was taken before she passed. The day she did pass, she told her brother she wasn't feeling well and he suggested she go to Urgent Care to which she said, "As soon as I get back from walking the dog, I will go". She did not finish walking the dog before she departed.

This particular photo is from Share International, a Non-Profit Organization for Global Healing. Maitreya is a Master spiritual teacher, not incarnated in a body and his world healing communications have been telepathically received by and shared by Benjamin Creme - 1922 - 2016.
In 2001 this hand print was found on a bathroom mirror in Barcelona, Spain which is said to be Maitreya's. The housekeeper wiped this handprint from the mirror, only to have it reappear. Maitreya says: "My help is your to command, you only have to ask."
I will tell you of my own experience with this picture, since I do not haphazardly promote these types of things.
When I left the office I worked in one day, I was totally angry with my boss. I had this picture in the car so I decided to put my hand over Maitreya's and after a minute or two, the anger was gone. I found it amusing that I wasn't done being mad, but I no longer was. See for yourself if you choose.

This rainbow affect was not visible to the naked eye when I took this picture. Notice the different angled rays at the top of the picture, then more energy coming in from the side.


This picture was taken October 27, 2023, three days after my spiritual teacher of twenty years, Michael Tamura, passed away. I have had a sun crystal hanging in my bedroom window for over two years and these rainbows have never appeared before. What a great Hello from spirit. May God Bless Us All ________________________________________________________________________________________________

My friend has shown me several pictures lately where this energy keeps showing up at family gatherings. I decided to tune into this energy/spirit and it felt like a male relative. I asked this spirit when it passed and three years ago was the answer. * This is called Clairaudience (inner hearing) or mental telepathy, which is how spirit communicates with us.
I asked my friend who in her family had passed away three years earlier and after a moment she gave me six names of aunts and uncles. Since the feeling was that of a male, I tuned in to the two Uncles and after receiving their names, I could focus on one individual in particular. I asked the spirit how we could identify him and he said that he had given one of the girls, my friends daughter, a pair of earrings. My friend confirmed that, yes, one of her daughters had received a pair of earrings from her uncle before he passed. She was only three years old at the time.
Spirit, you and me, never dies, it just changes form.
Phone/Text: 925-588-8798
In Person: Fairfield, Ca./Solano Co.