You will be given a body, with that body, comes an Ego. This is God’s form of amusement, because it is His way of testing your Compassion, Humility, Will, Forgiveness and LOVE. Therefore, you will argue with this Ego your entire life or until you get Seniority over it. This will please God and God tells you that you are Perfect Just Like You Are.
Let your ego chew on that one for awhile.
And The Truth Shall Set You Free
This can be a hard concept to grasp because The Truth isn’t one big truth, it’s many, many, small Untruths that we live by or have believed all along. The untruths control us because we react to them.
CASE: My client was angry at a co-worker because she was sarcastic, rude, mean and invalidating to her. My client voiced her feelings to this co-worker and the co-worker said, It’s all in your head, you are projecting, I’m not acting like that and it’s not my problem. My client vehemently denied that she was projecting and thought the other woman to be condescending.
Looking at the dynamic of the situation, I asked my client if she had any teachers like that around the 2nd or 3rd grade. Bingo! Yes, Mrs. Miller, she was so mean to me the whole year, she never let up.
This is where the Truth can set my client free of the animosity she feels for her co-worker. My client wasn't projecting, but unknowingly reliving a painful experience. But, can she forgive her co-worker? That’s the next step in her healing journey, in anyone’s healing journey. Bury The Hatchet would be the ideal solution so my client can move forward, and I told her to relate this epiphany to her co-worker which would greatly enhance her ability to heal herself and the relationship, it's called forgiveness. That, remains to be seen at the moment.
Communication is about healing, and readings are about healing. Many times we are wound up, anxious, sad, or angry for no specific reason. Getting communication about what’s going on in your space can help release these energies, therefore, setting you free.
Speaking with my client several weeks later, she has chosen not to speak to her coworker, therefore, no healing to her past trauma can occur. Now the Universe can provide her with another similar situation, giving her another opportunity to heal. Ego - 1, Client - 0.
If you would like to experience these meditation tools for yourself, sign up on the Contact page and I will send you a free two hour download of my Meditation Toolkit. Welcome to the Next Step of the rest of your life.

Meditation: The Key To Sanity

Grounding To The Center Of The Earth.
The grounding I teach starts with sitting upright in a chair with both feet touching the ground. This enables you to run earth energy up through the arches of your feet, up the leg channels, into your first chakra and back down your grounding cord.
Grounding is what helps keep us in our body, fully present and aware of our surroundings. The easiest way to imagine being grounded is to visualize a line of energy from your tailbone all the way down to the center of the earth.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and have your awareness right behind your eyes. This is called, being in the center of your head. We have our awareness there because that's our place of neutrality where you can observe and not react. The lower three chakras are our "physical body" chakras, the next four, five, six and seven, are our spiritual center chakras.
Imagine that line of energy as big around as a rope, connecting your tailbone to the earth. Then imagine that line of energy as big around as a telephone pole, firmly planted in the earth. Give yourself a deep breath and exhale. Then visualize that line of energy as big around as a oak tree, with its roots firmly imbedded in the earth. Then imagine releasing all the energy in your space right down that grounding cord, take another deep breath. Now, each time you release energy you will start feeling more relaxed and more comfortable in your body.
The most important part of increasing your awareness is staying grounded, this allows you to observe what's happening and not become the effect of what's happening.
It is not uncommon, if the body feels uncomfortable or afraid, for you, the spirit, to vacate the premises, ie your body. Being grounded helps you stay in present time so you can fully benefit from your experience. There are no shortcuts.

Essential Tools For The Art Of Manifestation
Present Time
Create the Space Within Yourself To Receive What You Want.
No Effort
These Are Spiritual Tools, You Are A Spirit In A Body, The Body Does Not Create, The Spirit Does, That's YOU.
Present Time
Being grounded helps you to BE here, in the moment. Call your attention back from any problems you are trying to solve from days or weeks ago and call your attention back from anything you are thinking about doing tomorrow or the next day, the Future. You cannot create/manifest Anything if you are not In Present Time because You only exist now, so Be Here Now. Notice how your body feels when you are more present and give yourself a Breath. Be aware of your grounding, you connection to the earth, and when we are grounded, we are more aware.
Future Time
The Key To The Future, is in Present Time. You cannot create in future time and you cannot create from past time. You must be right here, right now, AND, in your body.
While most everyone likes to have their Fortune told and find out what's going to happen To them, it puts your attention in future time, waiting for IT to happen. You cannot create anything when you're not in present time and in your body, because, your spirit is your creative power, not your body.
** When my client sat down, she said, "Tomorrow is my birthday and I am terrified". She said, ten years ago, a psychic told her that something terrible was going to happen on her thirtieth birthday, and tomorrow is my thirtieth birthday.
So now, this woman has been in dread, in future time, for ten years. I gave her a reading and a healing, moving out the other psychic's energy and assured her that the other psychic was full of you know what. And NO, nothing bad happened on her thirtieth birthday.
Creating The Space To Have - Havingness is the ability to receive.
Imagine, in your mind, and with your Intention, that you are creating space in your Universe to receive what you want to come in. It’s like decluttering your house; If you have too much old furniture, there’s no place to put new furniture, so release what no longer serves you.
** About working with energy and spirit, your spirit; Your spirit, is the creative power behind your ability to create and manifest. When you receive spiritual communication, you instantly start the change process, consciously or not. It's like sitting in a dark room not knowing where the light switch is. In that communication, or reading, you can be given that information and you the spirit, will immediately find it and turn it on.
Creating In No Effort - I See, I Want, I Get.
I call manifesting, a Mock Up: Picture in your mind what you want, set your intention and see yourself acquiring it. Now the Mind, loves to argue and say it’s not possible, it costs too much, you’ll never get it, don’t bother, it won’t happen because it never does.
Put Your Trust In The Universe, Not Your Mind. Reaffirm in your mind what you want every day, no effort, just reaffirm with your Intention, because what you send out, does come back to you. Then, of course, you do have, Man Proposes and God Disposes, but Trust and have Faith - In Yourself.
**Setting Your Intention:
I have always preferred to live "behind the scenes", never liking to put myself in the spotlight. A good deal of that is my feeling of not being "safe", although, there is really no particular reason I should feel that way. Of course there is, as with all of us, but I decided to start allowing myself to be "seen", that night, my Dream Self went to work on the Astral (this is where you go when you sleep, whether you remember it or not.)
In my dream, a good friend came over and I was very self conscious about how messy my house was, I mean, it was really, really messy.
Then I went outside to the trash can and it was overfilled with items that I didn't want others to see, it felt like I wanted to hide things. I rearranged all the trash, taking a few things out - a broom, dust pan and hangers??? - and put everything back in to be taken away.
How metaphoric is that? This is how quickly you start making changes in yourself, once you make the decision to take your power back.
** Making a Mock Up for a new place to live:
I rented a room from a man and after 3 months I decided it really wasn’t the place for me. I wanted a larger space than I had, paying less money and someone who was easy to get along with. Immediately my mind said, I don’t think so, you’ll never find it because rents are too expensive and you're asking for too much.
In three months, I came across an ad that said; Room For Rent, Must See To Appreciate. That was it, no picture, no details, and, the rent was quite a bit cheaper.
Normally, I wouldn’t have bothered because there was no picture, but, the Must See To Appreciate caught my attention. When I went to look at the space, it was the entire upstairs of a Townhouse, including 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a sitting area looking out sliding glass doors, and a deck. All for less than what I was paying.
So much for my Mind telling me I can’t create it.
**Don't forget the particulars...While I got the perfect place to live, I didn't think about adding.. a roommate who was like minded in regards to Spirituality, was happy with her life, and had a positive attitude, could give as well as receive. But...I get to learn to allow someone to have their space, be who they are, and just be happy within myself.
This plays an integral part in manifesting. Once you have set your intention, continue to focus on what you want to create. Myself, I "refresh" my intention daily, merely by putting my attention on what I am asking for. The Universe will guide you to where you need to be to find it. Don't second guess the Universe and don't make up reasons why you can't accept the opportunities being offered.
One time I needed a tax attorney, I set my intention, then lived my life normally day to day. One day, I'm driving through a shopping center parking lot and there was a car with a license plate that read, Tax Esq. Bingo! I left my business card on his car and he called me a week later. He said that he only handled corporate tax issues but gave me the number of someone he thought could help me, and they did.
Always…Always, be in Gratitude for what you have and where you are right now. Have Gratitude when you go to bed, have Gratitude when you wake up. Notice the beauty around you. Be aware, when you have gratitude and beauty in your thoughts, there’s no room for negativity.
Life is short and then you don't die. Without Amusement, life is not fun, life is serious, you don't get to laugh, you don't find the humor in things, like LIFE.
Amusement is essential to our physical and emotional well being, it affects our ability to heal ourselves. When you have Amusement, you are giving yourself space to be, and letting it be okay to be right where you are.
** I was speaking with a woman one day who had had seven surgeries on her wrist. I asked her if she was acknowledging her body and loving it while treating it kindly so she could heal. She said, "NO, I JUST PRETEND IT'S NOT THERE". Just..wow.

One has to grow into it, at which point you will be "notified".
"I Am Going To Ascend Now"; Not if you haven't done your work.
The prerequisite for Ascension is; Drop The Ego And Do The Work.
Set your intention, live life to the fullest every day.
There is no fast track to spiritual growth, only steps.
TRUST THE PROCESS, and we'll see you next time around..... ; 0 )

Water Drops On A Spiders Web: Thoughts Are Like Droplets In The Garden Of Your Mind, Tend Your Garden Well.

The spiders web, is your mind and the water drops represent your thoughts. Our thoughts are the seeds of Manifestation, so what do you wish to create? It's work in a way, because you have to be conscious of your thoughts. Negative thoughts creep in slowly, and all of a sudden, you find yourself being critical of everything around you.
I was driving to work one day, cursing my ex-boyfriend to the ground, and upon turning the corner, I saw baskets of flowers hanging from the light standards. How beautiful are those flowers I thought, and my mind instantly popped out of the negative emotion. What a difference!
Negative Emotions Are Very Powerful, not can be, but are, and Negative emotions impact our physical body and our emotional well being more than we know.
Standing in front of a mirror, focus on something you intensely dislike. Think of everything that you hate about it while watching your reflection. Notice how you look and how your body feels. Pleasant, right?
Now change your focus to something you like, love, or feel good about. Notice how your demeanor changes, how your body feels, how your face looks. Better?
Then, if you're up for a "hands on experiment," do this exercise with a friend. Do the same things while watching each other. Direct all your negative emotions towards them, then ask them how it feels. Pleasant, right?
Now do the same thing while sending good energy, love or positive vibes. Notice if you feel the difference.
Here's a good example of all this energy stuff.
You're in a great space, you stop by a gathering of people who are not exactly having a good time. After being there a short while, all of a sudden you're not in that great of a space either. What happened? You lowered your energy vibration to match theirs, or, you became it, without even noticing.
A Teaching Moment:
As a cashier, oftentimes I would give communication to people. As one customer approached, I asked him how he was doing, "fine" he said, half-heartedly. After a moment I said, sometimes we can get in a funky space and stop noticing the beauty around us and having gratitude for what we have. Being grateful for the simplest things, our car, a place to live, the beauty of where we live. It's easy to forget because life tends to get serious as we get older because of all the responsibilities we put on ourselves. When I finished with his sale he said, "Thank you, I feel a lot better".
Your Light Is Always Shining, It's Up To You How Bright It Is.

There Is More Than One Way To Receive Information - What Is The Metaphor Here?
** I had just started looking at things metaphorically and I am leaving the mall, lamenting about one thing or another. I get to my car and I see five pennies on the ground and as I look again, I see like twenty pennies. I thought, "What could this mean, A Penny for your thoughts? No, they know what I'm thinking." "Pennies From Heaven!" Spirit is letting me know that everything is going to be just fine.
From that day forward, 30 years ago, I will find a penny every time I am worrying about something.
** I had had a dream the night before that left me feeling unsafe while driving to work, so I am being overly cautious on the freeway. All of a sudden a flatbed truck passes by me with sacks of cement in the back. The brand name of the cement was White Light. ? OMG, so I imagined a beautiful White Light surrounding my car, and I make it to work safely.
** I purchased a new car and as I'm driving home I'm thinking, gee, I hope I can pay for this. In the morning I took my roommate out to see my new car and when I opened the door, there were two pennies on the front seat.
Great! You're paying for it, I thought.
** When I was looking for a new place to live, I found something that seemed pretty nice but I wasn't 100% sure. Would I get along with the roommate I wondered, would the high tension power lines behind the house interfere with my sleep?
While I was thinking, I stopped by the car dealership to have my car serviced. As I was sitting in the waiting area, I glanced out the windows that were about 20 feet away, and sitting sitting on the bottom windowsill were two pennies. One for me, one for the woman who would be my roommate.
*** The Key To Listening To Spirit; Don't Analyze The Information You Are Getting, Or Feeling.
Trust The Universe.

Conscious, that which you are Becoming. The more you become aware of your Self and your internal landscape, the more the darkness will dissipate. As we change and grow spiritually, our consciousness expands, slowly, so we don't get overwhelmed or "stuck".
I will give you my own personal experiences regarding expanding my awareness unexpectedly;
I am not an affirmation person, but spirit suggested that I should create one. That was odd, but whatever, so I came up with this: I AM a vehicle for the Universe to manifest through, for my highest good. That seemed appropriate, I AM a Vehicle, so the Universe can manifest through me, to create what is for my highest good. Basically, I was creating space to receive what the Universe had to offer and all I need to do is be open to opportunity.
I repeated this affirmation for several years and one day as I'm meditating, I thought, maybe I should update my affirmation and bring it into present time. So I said, I AM a vehicle, for the Universe , to manifest Throughout All Dimensions, for my highest good. In that moment, I became aware of just how big/limitless, Throughout All Dimensions was. With that realization, my body went into fear and I could not say my new affirmation again for a week.
So, yes, you do have to give your body consideration, because your body is what houses your Spirit, so treat it gently. And No, there is no fastrack to spiritual growth, only steps.
The most important part of increasing your awareness is staying grounded, this allows you to observe what is going on and not become the effect of what is going on . It is not uncommon, if the body feels uncomfortable or afraid, for you, the spirit, to vacate the premises, ie your body. Being grounded helps you stay in present time so you can fully benefit from your experience. There are no shortcuts.
Most of the pictures I post are to remind you of your awareness of the All That Is, and being grounded while becoming aware, reminds you that you can look "out there from "in here".
The saying "The Lights Are On, But No One Is Home"? This is what happens when you are not in your body and fully present.

Everything has it's own consciousness, even stones. This is a Star Rose Quartz, you can tell by the translucence of the stone caused by it's mineral composition. In the sunlight, a holographic five pointed start rises four or five inches above the stones surface and the energy that emanates from this piece is phenomenal.
Ground, give yourself a deep breath, close your eyes and allow yourself to feel its healing energy and notice where in your body you feel it.
If you would like to learn tools that help you become aware of feeling energy, identifying energy and releasing unwanted energy from your space, sign up on my Contact page and I will email you a Free two hour Meditation Toolkit download.
For further in depth studies to develop your own clairvoyance, go to my webpage Highly Recommended...Teacher's, etc.

Phone/Text: 925-588-8798
In Person: Fairfield, Ca. Solano Co.